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The Duette™ relies on its third party studies to show how it has addressed adverse events from Foley urinary catheterization, providing better patient care and improved outcomes while attempting to reduce health care costs.

A healthy bladder wall is made up of layers that are clinically documented to have anti-bacterial properties that resist infection; the mechanical irritation of the bladder that occurs by introducing a traditional Foley catheter damages the wall thereby disrupting these innate defenses. The emptying bladder collapsing on the exposed Foley tip and can result in trauma that breaks down the protective lining of the bladder wall. This damage is compounded by the exposed drainage eyes, which can result in the wall being aspirated into the eyes. Oftentimes :

  • Painful bladder spasms and urine leakage around the Foley catheter
  • Increased incidents of catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI)
  • An increased degree of sepsis
  • For chronic, long-term uses of Foley catheters, an increased risk of cancer

“The fundamental reason catheterized patients are so vulnerable to infection is that the catheter violates the integrity of the defense systems that normally protect the bladder against infection. The indwelling Foley undermines this system.”

-An indwelling urinary catheter for the 21st Century, Roger C.L. Fenely, Calvin M.Kunin and David J. Stickler, 2011

If you would like additional usage information, please see the below documentation:

Duette™ Instructions for Use
Duette™ Catheter Care Guide

National Survey on CAUTI

To determine the perceptions of hospital infection preventionists and other key clinicians who deal with CAUTIs, a national online survey was conducted during June 2015. The 12-question survey was emailed to a carefully selected list of 847 clinicians who had indicated a strong interest in hospital infection-control efforts.

The survey generated a strong response rate that was well above the national average for instruments of this kind, with full responses from 158 clinicians around the U.S.

Overall, the results confirm a broad recognition that CAUTIs persist as a challenging issue in American hospitals – suggesting that clinicians recognize existing protocols are not adequate to meet this challenge. Another key finding was a prevalent understanding that use of a Foley catheter can cause trauma to the lining of the bladder, and that this trauma is an infection risk.

More details on the study results (full results can be viewed here):

  1. Over 77% of respondents were infection control preventionists/ professionals, and 90% work in an acute-care hospital.
  2. Fully two-thirds of respondents said their hospital administration is putting “strong emphasis on CAUTI reduction.”
  3. A majority were concerned that their hospital’s nurses don’t adequately comply with CAUTI protocols.
  4. Asked about factors that influence the risk of developing a CAUTI, respondents said catheter insertion was the biggest risk factor.
  5. Nearly 80% said Foley catheters can cause trauma to the wall/lining of the bladder.
  6. More than 80% said trauma to the bladder wall/lining could increase the risk of CAUTI.