A recent study performed by researchers at Tampa General Hospital’s neuroscience intensive care unit concluded that use of Duette™ urinary catheters, as opposed to traditional Foley catheters, has a lower infectious risk for those requiring indwelling bladder drainage.
The study, co-authored by Jonathan Beilan, Tracy Lund, Kristen Beane, Raul Ordorica, and David Hernandez, found the Duette™ urinary catheter had a calculated infection rate of 1.1 per 1000 catheter-days, compared with a calculated infection rate 5.5 per 1000 catheter-days with a traditional Foley catheter. During the course of the 11-month study, only one catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) was logged during the 870 days patients used the Duette™ .
The design of the Foley type urinary catheter has remained relatively unchanged since its conception in 1937. Over the last 75 years, hospitals and clinicians have struggled to manage catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs), which have become one of the most common types of healthcare-associated infections in the medical field. Traditional Foley catheters have been shown to cause mechanical irritation and trauma to the mucosal lining of the bladder, increasing the risk of CAUTI in these patients.
Given the results of the study, the authors recommended that hospitals and inpatient facilities should consider initiating dual-balloon catheters as standard of practice in an effort to reduce CAUTI rates, one of the National Patient Safety Goals identified by the Joint Commission.
The full details of the study are available in the Journal of Urology.
Click below to read the study abstract:
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